




十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.1十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.2十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.3十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.4十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.5十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.6十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.13十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.14十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.15十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.16十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.17十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.18十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.19十三个原因第四季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 他不该遭受这些

纯记录一下自己的感想 不喜勿喷【严重剧透】












但没有那么多如果,他死去后,让克雷和克雷父母,Jessie,和关心他的所有人,又遭受了一次痛苦。说实话clay也一直备受打击和挫折,而这次Justin的离去,又是一次巨大的挫折,我说实话也特别心疼clay,但他起码有机会become better,但Justin没有了,真的太可惜了。

如果编剧真的是为了“青少年教育”而写成这样的话,我觉得编剧真的是令人无语…像是不死个谁就拍不下去了一样。而且Justin死后,clay想象与他对话的那个场面,我真的哭死了…就不能好好的活着的说吗,为什么非要把Justin写死呢,哎…FML forever.

R.I.P Justin.

 2 ) 四季总算有始有终,各位毕业快乐!!!








 3 ) 十三个原因 第四季歌单

Ep1 Winter Break

Heatwave / Lean [Jessica and the group prepare Justin’s Welcome Home party]

For a While / Fenne Lily [Jessica and Justin chat at the end of his party]

XYZ / Flasher [the Future Fair]

Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea / MISSIO [Alex and Zach walk along the rooftop]

Harm / IO Echo [during Clay’s journey home from therapy]

Fear The Future / St. Vincent [ ending credits ]

Ep2 College Tour

STRANGE DAYS / HEALTH [Clay and Justin walk to school]

Not My Story / Cable Ties [Clay and Zach skip the college tour to attend a fraternity party]

The Breath of Light (Chris Liebing Burn Slow Remix) / Lost Under Heaven [Winston and Alex talk on the college campus tour]

Noise of the Void / Drab Majesty [ Zach talks to Chloe on the stairs ]

Behave / Summer Cannibals [ ending credits ]

Ep3 Valentine's Day

Princess Diamond (Feat. Kelsey Bulkin) / Kero Uno, Kelsey Bulkin [ the HO meeting ]

Batgirl / Kahikko, Kantola [ Ani and Clay walk into the Valentine’s Day dance ]

Can’t Stop Your Lovin / Poolside, Panama [ Tony and Tyler DJ the dance ]

I’ll Come Too / James Blake [ Clay and Ani talk and slow dance ]

All Da Way / Allday [ Clay receives a phone call from Monty’s phone at the dance ]

Maybe in the Summer / SASSY 009 [ Justin attempts to stop Zach from returning to the dance ]

Losing It / FISHER [ Tyler leaves the dance after answering a mysterious phone call ]

Maze / Juice WRLD [ Clay walks back into the dance, covered in fake blood ]

Riding / ESKMO [ ending credits ]

Ep4 Senior Camping Trip

I See the White / Jess Williamson [ Jessica returns home to chat to Ani ]

Ep5 House Party

Better That Way / Tusks [ at Monet’s, as Jessica talks to Justin ]

The Way it Goes / Sneaks during the party ]

Tiny Dancer / Elton John [Clay and Zach sing this at the party]

Shake That (Wiggle Wiggle) / Like Son [ Clay talks to Valerie ]

I Was A Widow / SASMI, Dustin Payseur Clay and Valerie have sex ]

Under The Moon / 070 Shake [ Tony fights in the ring ]

Why me / LoneMoon [ Jessica and Justin talk in the kitchen ]

Shimmy (feat. Blackillac) / MISSIO, Blackillac [ Clay is confronted by Valerie’s boyfriend ]

My Body / Young the Giant [ Zach and Clay are speeding ]

Ep6 Thursday

Today I’ll Have You Around / Florist [ Starts playing when the active shooter drill comes to an end ]

Melt The Guns / XTC [ ending credits ]

Ep7 College Interview

No Songs

Ep 8 Acceptance/Rejection

2020 /Maserati [ at the beginning of the episode, during Clay’s 2060 dream ]

Black and White / Parquet Courts [ Zach and Alex destroy the office ]

The Modern World / The Jam [ during the school walk-out protest ]

Sundown / Gordon Lightfoot [ ending credits ]

Ep9 Prom

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You / Frankie Valli [Ani sings this song to Jessica as she asks her to prom]

Love Me Like the World is Ending / Ben Lee [ Charlie asks Alex to prom ]

You’re Not Good Enough / Blood Orange [ Clay gets ready for prom ]

Lick in Heaven / Jessy Lanza [ Diego speaks to Jessica and Ani ]

Banana Ripple / Junior Boys [ Clay, Alex and Charlie arrive at prom ]

Over Here / Mk.gee [ Tony and Caleb sit next to Clay at prom ]

The Good Side / Troye Sivan [ Winston dances with an imaginary Monty ]

Would You? / Richard Swift [ Alex and Charlie’s first dance together as prom kings ]

Carry On / Tkay Maidza, Killer Mike [ Everyone starts dancing to this song ]

Best Part / Daniel Caesar, H.E.R. [ Jessica and Justin dance together ]

Give Yourself A Try / The 1975 [ Clay asks his mum to dance to this song ]

True Feeling / Galantis [ The final song to play at prom ]

Ep10 Graduation

The Shape of a Storm / Damien Jurado [ Tony returns home to find Caleb video-calling his dad ]

Salesman At The Day Of The Parade / Rogue Wave [ Clay walks through school ]

Half Gate / Grizzly Bear [ Justin’s friends sit in the waiting room at the hospital ]

Washing Of The Water / Peter Gabriel [ everyone visiting Justin ]

Believe / Amen Dunes [ Clay talks to Justin in hospital ]

Unbelievers / Vampire Weekend [ graduation ends ]

On the Floor / Perfume Genius [ graduation ]

Here Comes a Regular / The Replacements [ the group bury Hannah Baker’s tapes ]

Take Care / Beach House [ Clay looks out at the town after burying the tapes ]

Half Light II (No Celebration) / Arcade Fire [ Clay packs for college ]

Trouble / Lindsey Buckingham [ ending credits ]

 4 ) 这群死小孩!!


 5 ) Alex&charlie

第四季就冲着Alex去的了 😄😄男主过的太辛苦了 啥事都往自己身上放 不是自己做的事但他自己搞的也很心虚的感觉。。。。看的时候特不喜欢Monty 他对Tyler做的那些事情我无法原谅。说实话第四季他over了 I'm happy。但我为Justin小可爱伤心 他的结局可以好一点的😰

 6 ) 剧透慎入 and just talking some shit, ignore it.

比第三季好很多。虽然但是,我还是很喜欢Winston,颜太对我了... Everyone is so fucking broken!! Especially Clay, being so overwhelmed, and what the fuck, his the one causing troubles and drawing attentions all the time, and being afraid at himself at the same freaking time?? And Justin too, broken from the beginning... Why the fuck Justin had to die?? He is finally getting better, having a better life, and it all just goes away, like that? Like he freakin didn't deserve it, what the fuck?? Is everyone in .... so freaking open? Or it's just drama? I mean, they get into a relationship so quickly, come and go so easily all the damn time, well, sorry I don't know any shit about relationships. But for Winston, like why Monty?? His not even being kind to him, is it because he saw something different inside Monty that no one ever does, not even himself? And what the fuck man, he just dropped everything off, because he loved the two guys, and he don't want to hurt Alex?? But, think of it again, yeah, what else can he do when he knew the truth? It would be so easy if the ONE is Jessica, but it's not... And wow, these high school kids are so fucking crazy, shouting and arguing at the principals, starting a riot with the officers, fooling the adults and the cops (which they actually don't) like really, wow man. Speaking of cops, wow again, that they actually figured it out and decided to covered it up too. Is it lucky that Winston didn't make a move to the cops? Cuz clearly the cops know, and they ACTUALLY closed the case. I really don't know what to say about this, whether their actions are right or wrong. I mean they are covering up for the kids, so Alex can stay 'innocent', have a normal live, or so they think. But how about Monty, let the dead bury the dead and have the titles on because he's dead? Well, how selfish people are, but, what to do? And this fucking drama really influence my language, I mean, will this app even censor the words??? Fuck I don't know, and I don't care. It's 9am and I didn't sleep at all this whole fucking night. Anyways, their speeches are really inspiring, for me. Feels like it takes a lot of experiences, damages, hurts, and to go through a lot shit, to actually understand, and say all those words out. Truly, admire. I just hope one day, I'm able to do a speech like them, I didn't mean that kind of 'dark' shit, but to talk like them, confidently and bravely in front of the audiences, I truly hope it, one day.


终于看完了,后两季狠狠的拖了前两季的后腿。基本上一眼就能看出来往墙上喷油漆,打摄像头之类的是男主精分做的,一点儿悬念没有,后面还整的好像神反转一样令人作呕。Justin莫名其妙就死了,没必要,真的没必要。杀人犯Alex继续逍遥法外,还收获了甜甜的爱情,这真的可以吗???还是大家默认Bryce死了活该,没必要为他偿命。monty就更惨了,调查他死因的两个男生全是恋爱脑。然后最迷惑的来了,一群整天不干什么正事的毕业生,申的都是耶鲁哥伦比亚伯克利这样的大学,我真诚发问,400分是不是能上清华?不明白为什么要弄这种狗尾续貂的玩意,探讨校园暴力是好的,但是不要弄这种莫名其妙的小团体,口口声声大家是好朋友,扭头就互相怀疑,有小时代内味儿了。张开闭口只想做right thing,我现在看见这俩词就恶心。

  • 腻料
  • 很差

其实还是要比拉垮到不行的前两季要好 虽然我已经完全不记得剧情进行到哪里了... anyway他们熬过了高中我也算熬完这部剧了

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  • Superbia
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  • SuperCap
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最终季已经是带着“强行送终”和“瞧瞧Gary Sinise的客串”两个念头,飞速看掉了。如果止于第一季,若干年后,(某种或许不存在的)“剧史地位”回望,该剧几乎无悬念打平再二十多年前的《我的青春期》…各个方面上来说;它所引起的议题讨论和社会影响,时至今日都组成了对后续季数的超强滤镜和电视作为“工具”的强有力例证。但没有那么多如果,本身不断的续订暴露了无意义的“贪婪”对于一部作品的伤害是有多大…只希望Dylan会更好,再去未来拥抱更多属于他的角色。#Farewell

  • 基瑞尔
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1 不喜欢某人的死亡结局 给一个HE不行么 从各种逆境中存活下来 为什么非要这个结局?是为了更加警戒青少年不要染毒? 2 四季看下来 感觉Charlie是最可的 各方面都相对不错 不过他这个角色很多情节说不过去 他一方面和主角团很近 足球队讨厌主角团 所以为什么足球队会为了charlie做那些事 只是为了强调兄弟情? 3 所有精分见鬼片段我都快进看的 占的篇幅太大了点 4 winston说爱过monty我也是满脸问号 不明白为什么会爱上那样揍自己的人 任何理由我都无法接受 5 justin早起还可 现在看他 满脸看起来都是我前任的样子 一样的作一样的会搞puppy eyes…

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  • Autohypnosis
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  • 紧肉💪🐶🐄
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总的来说比第三季好看一点,虽然Clay还是一样的惹我讨厌!Alex和Charlie是支撑我看完这一季的唯一动力,Prom Royalty实在太甜了,我心都要化了,单纯给他俩加一星!看到Justin的结局很唏嘘,虽然他的所有行为我都很恨,每次都把爱他的人推得远远的,但从头到尾最多的还是心疼。他的死让这么多年来努力为AIDS正名的人前功尽弃,编剧根本是在乱来!Tyler还是我喜欢的样子,够勇敢够努力。Zach人设全崩,我都不知道他怎么了!结尾也算致敬了一下Hannah,有始有终。一群几乎从来都不看到读书、面试烂成这副样子的人,全都进了Berkeley,Brown这些,美剧里的大学真TM好进啊!每次说难看,但都是第一时间看完,这次总算剧终了!1>4>2>>>3

  • Cherry樱桃之远
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谁能不爱Alex呢。真是妹想到,最后居然拍成了twink love校园剧。

  • F224
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  • 帕格尼尼
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  • 姜小白
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  • 水水
  • 较差

如果一个学校的环境对LGBT可以有爱到选出一对prom kings,之前那一些列悲惨的强奸案根本不会发生。强奸的土壤是父权,父权的土壤开不出LGBT的花。回想第一季暗色调的开始,最后强行安上一个明亮的结局显得割裂和轻佻,若要说是童话或史诗传奇式的拓展,数次毫无必要的角色死亡又像在这迷幻帐篷顶上捅了个洞。

  • 席德
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  • 娱乐圈梗姐
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这一季突然变成了神棍剧,我有点不适应,Justin艾滋病死掉了,前几季的人都回来了,Alex拿了女主剧本有了四分卫男友,clay也不疯疯癫癫大学也有了新出场的妹子,Tyler状态越来越好有了自己的爱好和那谁的妹妹,zach和Alex也亲到了一起~四年四季也终于告一段落~就这么结束了,有点难过~Hey,It's Hannah~

  • mpor2
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追了四季也不容易 给个感情分吧 ps:Alex宛如这一季的女主角 所有男的都爱他爱他好爱他 Jessica是不同时和两个人谈恋爱就难受吗 Ani这条线淡化后更证明了第三季加这个人物就是屁用没有 Clay精神不正常时跟片中的所有男配角都挺有cp感的

  • Cactus
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