

主演:哈里森·福特,雷·利奥塔,艾什莉·贾德,吉姆·斯特吉斯,克利夫·柯蒂斯,艾莉丝·布拉加,爱丽丝·伊芙,莎莫·比施尔,杰奎琳·奥拉德丝,全知泰,Melody Zara,梅里克·塔德罗斯,马绍尔·曼尼什,Nina Nayebi,Naila Azad,谢利·马里尔,Jaysha Patel,莱昂纳多·吴,蒂姆·周,丽兹·卡潘,阿拉米斯·奈特,马赫沙拉·阿里,贝利·切斯,莎拉·夏希,李善喜,泰伦斯·伯尼·海恩斯,乔什·加德,玛丽·斯奇塔姆,瑞·瓦伦汀,迈克尔·库立兹,Christopher Murray,朱莉娅·









穿越国境 剧照 NO.1穿越国境 剧照 NO.2穿越国境 剧照 NO.3穿越国境 剧照 NO.4穿越国境 剧照 NO.5穿越国境 剧照 NO.6穿越国境 剧照 NO.13穿越国境 剧照 NO.14穿越国境 剧照 NO.15穿越国境 剧照 NO.16穿越国境 剧照 NO.17穿越国境 剧照 NO.18穿越国境 剧照 NO.19穿越国境 剧照 NO.20


  供职于洛杉矶移民海关执法局的麦克斯·布罗根(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)在一次突袭某制衣厂的行动中抓捕了一名年轻的墨西哥偷渡女子玛利亚(艾莉丝·布拉加 Alice Braga 饰),对方求他帮忙照管自己的儿子。持旅游签证入美的澳大利亚女孩克莱尔(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)为在短期内获取绿卡,实现好莱坞明星梦,不得不成为洛杉矶移民署职员科尔·弗兰克尔(雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta 饰)的短期情妇,这使男友加文(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)十分恼火。科尔的妻子丹尼斯(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd 饰)正处理一桩疑似恐怖分子驱逐案,15岁的穆斯林女孩塔斯利玛(莎莫·比施尔 Summer Bishil 饰)因同情9.11劫机犯而被捕。与此同时,麦克斯的朋友,警察哈米德(克利夫·柯蒂斯 Cliff Curtis 饰)深陷家庭危机,却在一桩便利店劫案中面临是否给一名韩国移民新生机会的选择……浪子回头妙事多大妈的世界忘了去懂你泰版富贵男贫穷女丧尸特警杉咲花的休工期长寿密码给不能传达爱的大人们一代天骄1991急先锋 独家纪录片海明威与盖尔霍恩圣诞恋情:小提琴之弦喜欢你.mp4马克龙的爱丽舍之路真空爱情记录活佛济公 第二季春色漾荡麦兜故事三兄弟摩斯探长前传第九季乌龙鸳鸯智多星沸点2021探长薇拉第十季甲A风云之辣球天空鲨_终极武器(普通话)初创玩家喋血边城战鼓擂不良行为第一季危险警告魔幻大森林登堂入室2012追梦高手青空娘奈何boss要娶我2键1959设得兰谜案 第八季反击罗曼史


 1 ) Broken American Dream

   Nowadays most of the Hollywood movies are presenting us a wonderful picture of the American society, which is full of freedom and opportunities. But Crossing Over help us understand the immigration problem of the real American in a completely new way.
It is a story constitutes of about six small stories and these stories are linked by one or two threads. It is a multi-character canvas about immigrants of different nationalities struggling to achieve legal status in Los Angeles. The film deals with the border, document fraud, the asylum and green card process, work-site enforcement, naturalization, etc.
      Max Brogan, an INS agent stationed in Los Angeles, who decides to help an illegal textile worker (Alice Braga) by making sure that the woman's son is taken care of by his grandmother in Mexico when the woman is detained. After a while, the woman escaped from the prison and then tried to across the border to see her son. But finally she died in the desert alone with an illegal status. Meanwhile, Max's partner Hamid Baraheri, struggles to reconcile his job with the culture of his family and the reckless behavior of his younger sister. His brother killed her sister mistakenly. Max Brogan investigates this case and found the truth at last. And Cole Frankel, an adjudicator who determines the status of immigrants and their green cards has a sexual relationship with Alice Eve who is a beautiful Australian actress .This beautiful girl sacrifices her body for a green card and got deported at last. Ashley Judd plays Cole's wife, who defends immigrants in status cases. She deals the case that a girl with a Middle Eastern descent was deported because she wrote a paper asking rights for the killer in 9.11. In a parallel storyline, a young Korean youth, days before his family's naturalization ceremony, makes a decision that could have terrible consequences.
      In this movie, all the heroes come or stay in American to live up their own American dreams. Someone wants to be a musician and someone wants to be a movie star. They want to get into the American society totally, since we all know the American society is like a melting pot. Though some of them succeed, the others got deported. Immigration problem has been troubling the U.S government for so many years and it is still a big problem that cannot be solved immediately. We often think immigrates are rich or have a high IQ living comfortably. But the truth is like this. According to the survey carried out by the American population immigration center shows that now there are 12 million illegal immigrates in American and are still increasing. Many of them only attended the high school and do many heavy works in the U.S. Their rights can never be ensured and they get low pay living in a bad environment.
The young Mexican mother came to American illegally and worked hard in a small illegal factory in order to live. The illegal immigrates provide the American with much cheap work force, and also become the burden of American employment , medicine and social welfare system. They want to earn a living there, but the American government cannot deal with them. And the girl with a Middle Eastern descent got deported because of her wrong words shows us something more thought-provoking. The American is a multinational country, so the immigration policy there is always loose. But after the “9/11” terrorist attack, American government are worried about their safety and started to take serious actions.
Unlike the movie Far And Away showed in class telling us about the success of immigrates, this movie seems to reveal the real immigration to us cruelly. It is full of tears and also full of love from human beings. The INS agent cares about the young mother from Mexico. Maybe it shows that the government knows the pain of all the immigrants and is willing to take action to solve this .But now this problem is too complicated to solve. So we should look at the American dream in a sensible way. Don’t think immigration and American dream are perfect things. Everything is not perfect. The broken American dream is an education to us.

 2 ) runing





 3 ) If the Statue of Liberty is their last spiritual belief, please don't let these people who worship her devoutly become the sacrifice and die in the path of pursuing their dreams.

Although these people have their various flaws and dark sides, these negative aspects make them appear more real. They are just some people like you and me, trying to pursue a better life by immigrating. In any case, in exchange for the legal residence of the “Great World” pass, they are struggling between moral and immoral, loyalty and betrayal, hell and heaven, and desperation and justice.

Here comes an interesting question: is person a person? When you are born, you are British person, American person, Indian person, Chinese person, etc. If we remove the label “American”, you are just a “person”. If we plus “America”, you have an extra credit to mark yourself. However, at the same time, you are also one step far away from the essence of “person” which can be divided by the nation labels. The conflicts between religious traditions and moral liberation, economic protection and cheap labor force, integrity police and corrupt officials are all happening under the US national flag. Perhaps the country is only a concentrated expression of all these contradictions. Either people choose coming here or leaving here, they are just choosing something called “hope”.

The United States is a place where many people want to go. Before they get the green card, everyone has to worry about being forced to leave someday. While looking for jobs, salaries, medical cares, etc., whether or not you have a green card have a huge disparity. At the end of the film, the lucky people who vowed to become new citizens of the United States under the giant Stars and the Mexican female corpse who died on the road of smuggling formed a series of shocking and contrastive pictures. At that moment, I felt my body is trembling. I realize that freedom, vitality and creativity will only be fostered in a tolerant place, and only an open society can be confident, attractive and cohesive. Please don’t forget that immigrants have always contributed to the prosperity of US powers. If the Statue of Liberty is their last spiritual belief, please don't let these people who worship her devoutly become the sacrifice and die in the path of pursuing their dreams.

 4 ) 人性 地域 种族


 5 ) 值得一看的电影


 6 ) 穿越国境




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补档:2010年国庆 扬州迎宾馆 HBO

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剧情很丰满,各类人物的刻画也不错.只是由于人物众多, Ford大叔的戏份感觉就弱了,作为主线沒那么明显吧.作为眼见过为了留在国外奋斗的各种方法的同学...很有感触的片子. 5分5分~

  • Vash
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  • 赱馬觀♣
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看了无数个关于这样的绿卡的电影了~~ 不过既然你到了美国是不是就该遵守那里的法律 即便你不喜欢 ~~ 上帝给了每个人生存的地方 给了你生存的区域 既然你选择改变 就要承受痛苦~~无聊的移民电影 对于里面小女孩的观点 不支持 对恐怖分子确实不应该理解 她的家人只不过是为了她的年少轻狂付出了代

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