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  本过着平凡生活的夫妻雷·温克勒(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen饰)和弗伦奇(崔茜·尤玛 Tracey Ullman饰),一个是有犯罪前科的洗碗工,一个是专给人修指甲的美容师。然而这平静而安稳的生活,却被雷密谋抢劫银行的计划所打破。即使妻子极力反对,可雷心意已决。他不仅找上三个愚蠢的同伴入伙实施抢劫计划,居然还千方百计地拖弗伦奇下水。可这场希望一夜暴富的美梦并非如想象中顺利,一场状况百出的银行抢劫行动爆笑上演。

X战警2(国语版)火光之色时尚之王1福冈恋爱白书10漂浪青春买下我皮娜坏女孩2保卫战队之出动喇!朋友!相棒上帝的使者神秘博士第七季相棒第十七季灰色少女楚萨娅永不满足第一季只属于我们的一天粤语杀破狼·贪狼秘笈追踪活死人之夜1990呼啸山庄2011理发师陶德鳄鱼猎手:激情之旅机械战警3群龙夺宝粤语版爱情陷阱2022月水金火木土家庭召租心里的声音第二季贞女梦游2011粤语十字军 上(国语版)莫欺朋友妻阿宅的恋爱真难肇事者肮脏的约翰:贝蒂·布罗德里克故事第二季乘风破浪新夏威夷神探第三季成长的烦恼第七季抱紧我红潮风暴泡沫爱情恐惧症的滋味奇葩料理大作战第二季我爱唐人街(粤语版)1991靓妹仔精武门


 1 ) 有一点怪诞,有一点嘲讽


 2 ) Small Time Crooks

Small Time Crooks

Label: Fools; enterprise;

Page 2 Woody peeks at the bank and shops for chocolate.

Page 3 Woody's wife longs for the clothings of the Princess Diana.

Page 4 Woody buys the chocolate for his wife to get their savings so that he can rob a bank. But Frenchy won't agree no matter how Woody begs. In the process, we know that Woody has been in the prison before.

Page 7 Woody's wife comes to the roof to talk to him. Woody talks about his plan of tunneling under to rob the bank, while his wife fronts the place by making cookies.

Page 10 The Pizza place has been rented by others when Woody comes to rent it. After discussion with his friends, Woody takes flowers to see the old lady who has rented the place.

Page 13 It turns out that it is just another con, who plans to burn it down to get insurance.

Page 14 They buy construction material and start to drill the place. Meanwhile, his wife has no idea how to sell her cookies. But they hit a water pipe and it becomes a disaster. Regardless, they love each other and they have a dream of becoming rich.

Page 19 They continue to dig the tunnel without a clue but Frenchy is doing better and better. The only thing the men are doing is thinking about how to split the money. (Woody is able to find small funny stuff about the way they wear safe hats and how to split money to fill in enough details to entertain the audience.)

Page 22 The wife wants to bring in May to help with her cookie store. May doesn’t understanding the drilling and is told that the store is expanding. (CHANGE OF PLAN: COMPLICATIONS FROM THE SUCCESS OF THE COOKIE SHOP AND MAY THE IDIOT)

Page 25 May is telling the customers the expanding plan. And when the TV crew comes to interview the cookie store, Frenchy is so happy and surprised. And May tells the crew about the expanding plan as well. Woody freaks out watching them on the news.

Page 27 The line for the cookie isso long now it goes all the way to the bank. And Woody team tunnels to the wrong place –the clothing store. What’s worse, a policeman finds out but he just wants a piece of the action of the cookie franchise. (COMPLICATIONS FROM THE FAILURE OF THE DIGGING)

Page 29 Pseudodocumentary about the Woody inc. It makes the audience believe right away how successful the cookie company is. And also the interview of all the fools.

Page 34 Frenchy is buying all ridiculous decorations and exotic food for the party. Woody complains about the ever-changing house and strange food non-stop. Frenchy has invited a lot of people from the art world so that she can blend in. (COMPLICATIONS FROM ALL THE THINGS THAT MONEY CAN BUY THAT WOODY IS NOT HAPPY WITH)

Page 38 Party begins. Introduction of David, who is an art dealer and was an art teacher. People ask money from Frenchy and Woody tells jokes that people don’t understand. People saythey don’t have taste behind their backs.

Page 43 After Frenchy heard about the talks, she is very unhappy and determines to improve herself. (THE EMOTIONAL POINT OF NO RETURN WHERE THE COMPLICATIONS HAS REACHED ITS PEAK THAT FRENCHY IS DETERMINEDTO IMPROVE HERSELF)

Page 45 Frenchy goes for David for help of educating both of them. After discussion, David takes them to the museum. (THE PHYSICAL POINT OF NO RETURN IS DAVID ENTERING THEIR LIVES.)

Page 48 They go to a play together and Woody is at a loss. And when David is trying to teach them something, it’s just impossible as they are in different worlds.

Page 50 Woody pretends to be sick and play cards with the fools, while Frenchy discusses books and tastes wine with David. When Frenchy is a little drunk, she shows some interest in David.

Page 53 David talks about his evil plan of marrying Frenchy and getting all the fortune that she has. Meanwhile, Woody is very unhappy about Frenchy’s purchase of the painting from David. Frenchy and David find the very expensive cigarettecase in the museum. (RISE OF THE ANTAGONIST)

Page 55 David meets May at a Chinese restaurant. They talk about how unhappy they are in their new rich lives.

Page 58 Frenchy goes to a party with David. When she starts to use all the vocabularies starting with the word “A”, David freaks out. Meanwhile, Woody and May are watching TV. Woody starts to like May.

Page 60 Frenchy and David have dinner together. They exchange gifts. David gives Frenchy a book and Frenchy gives him the cigarettecase of Duke of Windsor. David encourages her to explore other possibilities.

Page 63 Woody and Frenchy meet at last at home. When Woody refuses to go to Europe with Frenchy, they discuss the possibilityof a divorce.

Page 65 Frenchy goes to Europe; Woody and May hang out, May points out that Woody was wrong to under do everything. (EVERYTHING IS LOST BETWEEN WOODY AND FRENCHY)

Page 67 Woody talks to May about a job. He has the plan of stealing a necklace from a fellow rich guy. Woody plans to exchange it with a fake one. (FINAL PUSH: STRANGELY ENOUGH, WOODY IS NOT TRYING TO SAVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP BUT JUST TRIES TO REPEAT THE STEALING ACT FROM THE BEGINNING SIMPLY WITH A DIFFERENT CONTEXT.)

Page 69 Frenchy gets a call from US during a recital in Europe. She is told by her lawyers that she is bankrupted. She has nothing now. And when David knows about it, he breaks up with Frenchy and refuses to give the cigarette case back to her.

Page 74 Woody and Frenchy go to the party. It takes forever for Woody to get upstairs as there is always somebody trying to make conversation with him. While Woody tries to open the safe, May’s stupidity strangely attracts a man whose wife has passed away. (ADVANTAGE TURNING INTO DISADVANTAGE)

Page80 May scares Woody when she comes upstairs to warn him. And he has closed the safe and has to reopen it. When Woody is trying to exchange the necklace, the hostess comes upstairs to find Woody, who makes the excuse that May is sick.

Page 84 While she goes to find a doctor, Woody has to make a choice between the two necklaces. After they have dismissed the doctor with funny symptoms, Woody hears the bad news of Frenchy.

Page 86 Woody goes back to Frenchy and they reconcile their relationship. When Woody shows Frenchy the necklace, she sees it’s a fake right away. But Frenchy gets the cigarettecase from David with the safe-opening technique Woody taught her.

Page 91 Written and Directed by Woody Allen.


 3 ) 就是一个好玩的故事而已


 4 ) Woody is so damn handsome!

This is the first five stars comment I've given till yet, because, it deserves it!

I've watched this movie about 3 years ago and honestly I cant remember much of it now... Luckily I found it on youtube, so I will enjoy it, right now!

 5 ) 不错的故事


 6 ) 还不错



Woody Allen really has a way of winding me up. This is almost as irritating as Midnight in Paris.

  • vin
  • 较差


  • Muto
  • 推荐

其实这是个很合格的90 minutes Woody Allen fun啊。

  • bayer04
  • 推荐


  • 龙小树
  • 力荐

推荐此片给所有中国的暴发亿元户,you are who you are. you can change, but destiny awaits.

  • 大本张
  • 力荐

stupid,not funny

  • 摇滚玄奘
  • 较差


  • 中雪君
  • 推荐


  • 陶子冬
  • 还行


  • 我想要改名
  • 力荐

精彩 想象力十分惊人

  • 啸如
  • 力荐


  • coco小姐
  • 力荐


  • stknight
  • 推荐


  • 胤祥
  • 推荐


  • 欢乐分裂
  • 还行


  • 哪吒男
  • 推荐


  • 希尼莫
  • 还行


  • 米粒
  • 还行


  • 谢谢你们的鱼
  • 推荐


  • 乌咪
  • 推荐


  • 樂啊樂
  • 还行