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  亚当(罗宾•威廉斯 饰)想成为一名医生是在他的精神疾病痊愈之后,后来他进入了维吉尼亚医学院学习。可是院内的传统观念的限制使医生们开来都十分不近人情。他不屑于这种状态,于是他把欢笑看做是医治病人的一个重要处方。他总是穿着鲜艳的衣服,带着滑稽的装扮到学院去,为的就是能让每一位病人都开怀大笑。

与晨同光美版午夜凶铃艾米·舒默:长大当妈命中第一案血光假期一云道长之镜灵探查医秘马尼拉之恋大篷车热血高校你我所见纽约客的故事人的价值毛骨悚然撞鬼经2022夏季特别篇夺命黑金纵有疾风起鬼门关3北方1983天灵盖落花时节超级大英雄恋途未卜 真人版妮基塔第四季英雄 第二季重生小确幸济公活佛1996版修女艾达靓丽人生第一季姐妹无常极地追击这些天掌门的烦恼晁盖侠盗罗宾汉海豹六队:突袭奥萨马本拉登锦衣卫之暮光之下缘分天注定国家干部海的故事2021小时代2014水男孩2015月亮上的男人1999


 1 ) 给生命以尊严、快乐,而不是仅仅给生命以时间。






 2 ) 文中的诗歌。。。完整版 Pablo Neruda - Love Sonnet XVII

I do not love you as if you were a salt rose, or topaz
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
So I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

 3 ) 心灵点滴


 4 ) script

Hunter Patch Adams: You treat a disease, you win, you loose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome.

Hunter Patch Adams: Our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death.

Hunter Patch Adams: We need to start treating the patient as well as the disease.

Arthur Mendelson: You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem.

Arthur Mendelson: See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity of laziness. See the whole world anew each day!

Hunter Patch Adams: What's wrong with death sir? What are we so mortally afraid of ? Why can't we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity, and decency, and God forbid, maybe even humor. Death is not the enemy gentlemen. If we're going to fight a disease, let's fight one of the most terrible diseases of all, indifference.

Hunter Patch Adams: I wanted to become a doctor so I could serve others. And because of that, I've lost everything. But I've also gained everything.

Hunter Patch Adams: Now you have the ability to keep me from graduating. You can keep me from getting the title and the white coat. But you can't control my spirit, gentlemen. You can't keep me from learning, you can't keep me from studying. So you have a choice: you can have me as a professional colleague, passionate, or you can have me as an outspoken outsider, still adament. Either way I'll probably still be viewed as a thorn. But I promise you one thing: I am a thorn that will not go away
Charlie: Is that all?
Hunter Patch Adams: I hope not, sir.
Hunter Patch Adams: Sir, I want to be a doctor with all my heart.

Arthur Mendelson: How many fingers do you see?
Hunter Patch Adams: Four.
Arthur Mendelson: No no! Look beyond the fingers! Now tell me how many you see.

Hunter Patch Adams: I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride. I love you becasue I know no other way than this. So close that you r hand, on my chest, is my hand. So close, that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep.

Hunter Patch Adams:
[standing on the edge of a cliff contemplating suicide. He talks to God.]
 So what now, huh? What do you want from me?
[looks down over cliff, a rock tumbles off]
Yeah, I could do it. We both know you wouldn't stop me. So answer me please. Tell me what you're doing. Okay, let's look at the logic. YOu creat man. Man suffers enormous amounts of pain. Main dies. Maybe you should have had just a few more brainstorming sessions prior to creation. You rested on the seventh day. Maybe you should've spent that day on compassion.
[looks down over the cliff again]
 You know what? You're not worth it. [walks away from the cliff]

Hunter Patch Adams: Death. To die. To expire. To pass on. To perish. To peg out. To push up daisies. To push up posies. To become extinct. Curtains, deceased, Demised, departed And defunct. Dead as a doornail. Dead as a herring. Dead as a mutton. Dead as nits. The last breath. Paying a debt to nature. The big sleep. God's way of saying, "Slow down."
Bill Davis: To check out.
Hunter Patch Adams: To shuffle off this mortal coil.
Bill Davis: To head for the happy hunting ground.
Hunter Patch Adams: To blink for an exceptionally long period of time.
Bill Davis: To find oneself without breath.
Hunter Patch Adams: To be the incredible decaying man.
Bill Davis: Worm buffet.
Hunter Patch Adams: Kick the bucket.
Bill Davis: Buy the farm.
Hunter Patch Adams: Take the cab.
Bill Davis: Cash in your chips.

Hunter Patch Adams: [while in group session] Beanie... which way is Heaven?
Trevor Beene: [who is in a catatonic state, keeps his arm raise, pointing upwards]

Hunter Patch Adams: [Patch is trying to convince Rudy not to be afraid of squirrels] What could they want? Your nuts?

Hunter Patch Adams: You don't understand, I'm leaving.
Dr. Titan: Hunter, if you leave, my records will say AMA, you left against medical advice.
Hunter Patch Adams: And Mine will say IDGARA, I don't give a rat's ass. And my name is Patch.

Corinne Fisher: Lesbian, airhead, ballbuster, whichever one of these disgusts you the most, take your pick. Please spread the word: I'm not here to date. I'm not here to flirt. I'm here to study.

Truman: I thought only I could repel women with that kind of raw efficiency.

Hunter Patch Adams: [imitating a skeleton] I have a boner. Wait, I AM a boner.

Joletta: [Joletta has just met Patch] Look here, Judy, another future boss.
Hunter Patch Adams: Oh, I wouldn't look at it like that.
Joletta: You may think I'm exaggerating, but in another five years you'll be so full of yourself you'll have to hang a cup out your ass just to catch the excess.

Hunter Patch Adams: I'm really starting to love the back of your head.

[while Patch is driving]
Corinne Fisher: When can I open my eyes?
Hunter Patch Adams: As soon as I open mine.

Arthur Mendelson: [Mr. Mendelson's attorney is expressing concern over him using his land for Patch's free medical clinic] You learn anything about proctology yet Patch? Good, take care of this asshole for me, will ya?

Dean Walcott: Our job is to rigorously and ruthlessly train the humanity out of you and make you into something better. We're gonna make doctors out of you.

Hunter Patch Adams: We can head on down to the maternity ward. You know those chicks putout.


Admitting he never had any religion, he calls a friend his "god" and the love of other people, God's spirit.
--"Patch Adams challenges audience. "Joplin Independent (2004-05-05).

I'll give you an example - in Russia most of the hospitals don't have any pain medicine, they don't have any money. So if you're with kids with cancer, they can have metastases to the bone; which some say is the worst pain a human can experience. So a mother can be in a room with a child who hasn't stopped screaming in five months. ...85% of the time I walk in there as a clown they'll stop screaming."
--"Entrevista com o médico americano P. Adams. "Roda Viva - Entrevista (P.A?) (2007-Nov-13).

I think my government are fascists. I feel that if we don't change from a society that worships money and power over to one that worships compassion and generosity, there is no hope for human survival this century.
"Entrevista com o médico americano P. Adams." Roda Viva - Entrevista (P.A?) (2007-Nov-13).

The medical professionals are a lot more comfortable calling it 'depression' than calling it 'loneliness.'
_"Conferenza con Patch Adams a Reggio Emilia." arcoiris tv (2008-Mar-27).

 5 ) 对于生死的看法

What's wrong with death, sir?
What are we so mortally afraid of ?

Why can't we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity and decency...and, God forbid, maybe even humor?

Death is not the enemy, gentlemen.

If we're gonna fight a disease, let's fight one of the most terrible diseases of all--indifference.
如我们要挑战疾病,应挑战其中最严重的: 冷漠

Now, I've sat in your schools and heard people lecture on transference and professional distance. Transference is inevitable, sir.

Every human being has an impact on another.

Why don't we want that in a patient/doctor relationship?

That's why I've listened to your teachings, and I believe they're wrong.

A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death...but also to improve the quality of life.
That's why you treat a disease, you win, you lose.

You treat a person, I guarantee you, you win, no matter what the outcome.

 6 ) 童话

另外,还被Robin Williams的精湛演技所打动。



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陷入B&W Thinking是很多好莱坞电影的一个通病,特别是这种鸡汤类电影,对于人物的塑造非黑即白,所有人物性格在所谓“好坏”之间的转变都是一瞬之间,没有过度没有铺垫,情节冲突的出现也很生硬。虽然事件本身很可爱,但是作为电影表达确实不算好……

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这样一个充满奇迹与希望的电影竟然取材自真人真事,太温暖了~~请给生命以荣誉,给生命以尊严,给生命以快乐,而不仅仅是给生命以时间~ . 罗宾·威廉姆斯的电影几乎都是大爱,听到他去世的消息好惋惜

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“先生,死有何不对?我们为何如此恐惧?为何不能以人性及尊严高雅地甚至幽默地来看待死亡?死亡不是敌人,我们为什么害怕它?如果我们要对抗疾病,那我们应该对抗其中最可怕的一种疾病: 冷漠!” —— 悼念罗宾·威廉姆斯 & 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼

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生命的意义 医生的价值 给生命以荣誉 给生命以尊严 给生命以快乐 而不仅仅是给生命以时间

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